Sunday, January 31, 2010

15 Weeks Old

This winter is going by quickly (thank goodness). Mike and I can't wait for warm weather to get out and take Ella out in the stroller and go down and play on the beach!! We are definitely getting cabin fever these days! But as fast as time seems to be going, summer should be here shortly, right? I hope so. On Tuesday, Aunt Sarah came over to visit and brought many hugs and kisses for Ella! We took E out Friday night when Mike and I went out for Chinese and then shopping. Ella giggled as she rode the cart into the store...funny feeling in her tummy from the parking lot vibration of the cart. So cute! Today we went to my parent's house for lunch. It was very yummy! My mom is going in for spinal surgery so it may be awhile before she gets to hold Ella so she got her fill today!

Ella is really starting to enjoy books, as you can see an example in the photo. She loves looking at the page with the mirror. I am enjoying being home with her everyday to see all her developments! She is a real joy! Ella has been sleeping for 11-12 hours a night for many weeks now. I am very grateful for the great rest I am getting at night! I must say, Ella is a laid back, easy going baby. We couldn't ask for anything more right now. I love her current age. It's an age of self discovery and lots of smiles, mixed with many moments of snuggly hugs. I am going to savor this age before teething and mobility from crawling starts. Things may get a little challenging I hear :)

Also this week, Ella has discovered the little black animal that lives here too. (Our dog, Sadie). She tracks Sadie's movements with her eyes around the room. Sadie doesn't pay too much attention to Ella though. Sadie still feels like she's our #1 baby. We just let her believe that. Hopefully Ella and Sadie will grow to be friends.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

14 Weeks...

Ella starts off her day with smiles :)

Ella's expression is priceless here...and says it all

Dakota, Bardot, Ella and Lincoln

Ella goes out to dinner and meets her new friend, Kathy (who teaches with Mike)

Lincoln and Ella-two cuties!

Look at these three! (Me, Bardot and Ella)

Ella is thanking Bardot for all her good advice she gave to mommy!


Ella getting ready to go see Bardot...

Another week in the life of Baby Ella comes to an end! So much going on this week. We said our sad, sad goodbyes (or as we like to say, "see you soons") to Bardot and her family on Wednesday. They moved to California this week due Wade (Bardot's husband) being stationed there from his orders from the Marine Corp. We will miss them dearly. Bardot was Ella's favorite and Ella was Bardot's "little baby girl". She called Ella "her" baby girl because she has two (very sweet) little boys, Dakota (6) and Lincoln (3).

Lincoln absolutely adored Ella. For me, it was sad to see him say goodbye to her. Ella will miss her Miss Bardot's big hugs, songs and smiling face. I will miss our great times hanging out around here and so much more! We can't wait to visit them in sunny, CA. Bardot can't wait to take little E to Disneyland when she is a little older.

Wednesday we went out to dinner with Mike's fellow teachers for a friendly gathering. Ella came along and was the center of attention as she met them for the first time. On Friday, Aunt Joanne and cousin Sabrina came up for a visit. I was happy to have them here all day!! It was a nice visit! Grandma and Grandpa Martin came for a visit Friday night and Saturday. They watched Ella as Mike and I went out for dinner with friends on Saturday night for the first time alone without Ella! Today, Sunday, we went to Emily's (my 2nd cousin's) 4th birthday party. We had a good time seeing everyone. Ella was exhausted from all the action!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ella turns 3 MONTHS OLD!!

Pretty (tired) in pink

Ella checking out her blue owl with Grandma Liss

Today, January 18th, Ella turned 3 months old!! I can't believe it. Today Mike had the day off of school being MLK day. We had lunch with his parents and they got to visit with Ella. I can't explain how she has really "come to life" in short time. Seeing her progress makes motherhood so rewarding! I feel lucky to be at home with her everyday as she grows. She is really developing and it is amazing (as I am sure all mommies can relate)! She is getting stronger by the day. She coos and aahs and recognizes people. What a big girl she is becoming. She has noticeably filled out the last couple of days. She loves pulling up her legs as she gets changed and then giving me big smiles. She babbles to herself quite frequently.
We visited our friend Tara this week who gave us a new lay n' play. She will love this bright new toy! Tara, a mother of two sweet little boys age 6 and 1, has been a great source of advice to me and I appreciate all she has done :)
This week, she was fitted into a little leg "brace" to aid her hip growth on her left hip. She has to wear the brace for one month. It is nothing major and she doesn't seem to mind it at all. She just can't wear pants- only sleeper sacks or dresses during this time.
She is starting to really enjoy time in her bouncer seat which she never liked before. She stares at her "animal friends" on the bouncer and "talks" to them. She really likes the yellow raccoon.
She is such a good baby and Mike and I feel blessed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby Ella-12 weeks

Happy 2010!!

Ella holds her pacifier for the first time

Ella in a "snuggie" :)

Baby Ella is 12 weeks old today. Can you believe it? E. is changing everday and is becoming very attentive to the world around her. She is now able to grasp an object pretty well, her favorite being her little orange dog that jingles. Her other newly discovered novelty is her fist. She can entertain herself for quite awhile with it.
She has officially outgrown her "newborn" sized clothes. Her newborn PJ's were retired just yesterday. This week she has really taken a liking to her mobile. She can't get enough of those sing-song rotations. She is now sleeping 10 hours a night. She goes to bed between 9-10 P which allows me to sleep in later in the mornings!
Ella rang in the New Year like a champ. We are looking forward to all our adventures in the New Year.
We have been very lucky with Ella. She is not a fussy baby ...she only boards the fuss bus (as we like to call it) when she gets a little hungry. She is happy, happy otherwise!

Ella's Baptism- December 27th, 2009

Daddy and future Uncle Chris

Bardot with Ella, Emily (on far left), Kailyn

The Sparks Family (in foreground)

Sabrina and her "doll"

Ella's 2nd cousins Ka and Annie

Ben (Mike's cousin) and Mike Liss

(2nd cousin) Kailyn loves Ella

The Stoll and Gerstenkorn Family

Mike's cousin Ben with fiancee Dana

Great Aunt Harriet, Grandma Liss, Great Aunt Helen

Helen Vardalos, Grandma and Grandpa Liss, Baby Ella, Mom and Dad

Aunt Lori and Baby Ella

Mommy and Ella

Godfather Uncle Eric

Her little shoes

With Godmother Aunt Sarah and future Uncle Chris.

In Aunt Lori's arms.

Martin Grandparents, Great Aunt Joanne, Great Uncle Duane, cousins Sabrina

Aunt Sarah and future Uncle Chris

Many braved the elements of a snowy Sunday to come celebrate Ella's Baptism at St. Mary's Church in Crown Point on Sunday, December 27th. It was a very touching ceremony at the church followed by an afternoon reception of friends and family. Ella looked absolutely radiant in her gown (that her daddy picked out!). Very sweet. Ella's Uncle Eric was her Godfather and Aunt Sarah was her Godmother. Special thanks to them for being such a big part of her day and their commitment as Godparents. Our good friends, the Sparks, were able to attend which was so special to us! Thank you again Bardot for all your lovely photos you took at the event. Also we were fortunate to have Uncle Stanley Opach recording the whole ceremony! We can enjoy the memories visually for years to come. It was nice to see family from afar such as Aunt Lori, Uncle Eric, cousins Sarah and Libby who traveled to be there. It is always a great time when our families come together! Here are a few snapshots from the day. May God Bless Ella!