Saturday, July 30, 2011

Awaiting Arrival of Baby Liss # 2

It is the end of July and we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our expected newest addition. It won't be too much longer now! We are all eager to welcome baby home. This summer has seemed to go by quickly so far. I am anxious to meet the little one. I have been fortunate to have had a good pregnancy overall.
It has been a "low key" type of summer for me. No big travel plans for us. We were excited to welcome our California friend Brigette and her boys back from California on her brief visit to Indiana. It was great seeing them again! We look forward to seeing the Knapp family (Mike's sister and family) in August as they come in for a visit. We also have two weddings to look forward to on back to back weekends in late August. So, our August should be filled with much excitement as we get to catch up with family and friends (not to mention welcome baby).
I am feeling great these days, although the bout of extreme heat was a little trying.
I like to spend my time this summer by the poolside with Ella as she takes a dip in her little pool. She requests to go in her pool by saying, "poo" in her little high pitched voice and pointing toward the door. It is so fun watching her in the pool. She likes to play with her big cup in the pool and uses it to "water" me as well. :) I am very grateful that I can be outside enjoying Ella and the summer.
Mike has spent countless hours this summer renovating the exterior of the house and the landscape. He has painted the house, planted trees and many flowers, built window boxes, installed brick moulding around the windows, repaired our picket fences, reinstalled landscape lighting, built new porch stairs, brick veneered the front porch (which was the most time consuming) as well as many other projects. He still has some other projects, but it will look great when everything is complete. We are happy to be back at the "cottage" this summer. It has brought back memories of the summers when I used to come here when we were dating. (Mike started leasing out the Valpo home after we were engaged). As I said before, my life has come "full circle" as I now call this place OUR home and prepare it to welcome the newest Liss.
As Mike has been feverishly working outside, I have been working on the inside organizing things before baby arrives. Of course, Ella is involved and "helps". I can tell Ella is going to be a great "big" sis. She already identifies with baby items. She points and says, "baby". She loves to put her dolls in the baby cradle. She also loves to throw other toys in the cradle as well, so I will really have my hands full when baby is occupying it.
Yes, our lives will change drastically with two kiddos, but we are looking forward to the challenges and rewards. Right now, Ella is our world and we love her to pieces!! We can't wait to share the love with Baby Liss #2.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Latest- Summer 2011

Well, it's been quite awhile since the last post! Things have also been quite busy these last six months. It is July and I have not downloaded any pictures since Christmas. My apologies to those who have been asking or wondering. ;) There has been some technical problems with my computer over the last several months, so I am hesitant to download any new pictures. I think the problem is solved, but I don't know for how long.
I have decided to continue to blog since there will be much exciting news to "blog" about :) I am sure all of you know that Mike and I are expecting Baby Liss #2 in August. This pregnancy has really went by quickly! I found out the news and told Mike around Christmas, so it was as if it were a Christmas present to both of us. I would like to dedicate just as much time on here as I did with little Ella, who, by the way isn't so little anymore!
Speaking of Ella, I don't even know where to begin. She has grown sooo much over the past six months! Ella finally began walking on March 2, 2011. Her vocabulary is increasing weekly and she is amazed at the world around her. She is learning names of various colors currently. "Bru" is her version of blue. Her favorite things to do right now are; collect balloons (her favorite), play with stickers, (her second favorite), color, draw, play with her blocks, wrap her dolls in blankets, play her pink harmonica (which she does with much intensity), and I can't forget swinging on her swing set at Grandpa and Grandma Martin's house in Crown Point.
Ella loves Elmo, about any animal and the Cat in the Hat theme song, "Go, Go, Go" ("doh, doh, doh" in her terms). We go outside where she enjoys running in the yard and pointing and waving to ants - a funny sight. Ella loves to sport her Cubs tee shirt and watch the pitchers on TV. She mimics their actions and "pitches" complete with the leg lift. She did this one day as she watched a game on TV. She can spot the Cubs emblem anywhere. She excitedly says, "Bubs". In our house, being a Cubs fan is part of being a Liss ;)
I am sure Ella will make a wonderful older sister. She is very aware I am carrying a baby in my tummy since every morning, part of her routine is to say, "baby" and hug and kiss my stomach.